At the beginning of 2022, we started Until Zion to bring some of our reflections and experiences to those we thought might be served by them. Since that time, though we trust the Lord has used these reflections in the lives of others, we can honestly say He has done much in us as well. More than ever we are compelled by the central values of Until Zion. We are still convinced there is much to learn from the margins, that the hope of the New Creation to come informs our work today, and––until that day––we patiently and steadfastly work to reflect the great City of God that will one day descend.
We trust the Spirit of God will empower us all, in the words of JI Packer, “ make the invisible Kingdom visible through faithful Christian living and witness-bearing.” May the church be a sign, instrument, and foretaste of Zion, the City of God. May the Spirit of God make it so!
As we close out 2022, and in case you missed them, we are sending along some of our most popular posts. In 2023, be on the look out for new articles. The best way to not miss new content is to subscribe to our email list. And please be sure to share with others you think might benefit.
Justin & Abe